
Water is in our DNA

Good Health Begins at the Cellular Level

Cellular health is dependent on the proteins, mitochondria, and DNA in your cells all working in harmony.  The fuel that drives the engine is hydration at the cellular level. Water accounts for 70-75% of your cells’ makeup. Proper cellular hydration helps your cells produce energy or ATP, eliminate toxins and direct nutrients to the most basic level in your body.  Drinking water even before you feel thirsty will help you replenish your body’s fluids and re-energize your cells.

Un-Tapped Potential

Improves and Protects Brain Function

The brain is made up of 73% water. A well-hydrated brain un-taps our intellectual potential, balances our mood, helps us stay alert, improves our focus, and increases oxygen and blood flow to the brain. Depleted stores of hydration can lead to headaches, confusion, and gaps in cognition. Retain hydration by drinking every two hours and eating foods high in fiber. Think healthy. Think young. Go with the flow.

The Fountain of Youth

Good Hydration Postpones the Inevitable

While aging is a natural part of living, there is no rule that we need to age quickly. Keeping your body hydrated goes a long way toward keeping all exterior and internal parts and organs moving. Water irrigates our cells, pumping up our energy levels for an extra momentum for a great workout. Exercise lowers blood pressure, cholesterol, and stress while building resilience and regulating our mood.

A Metabolic Moment

Burns Calories. Fires Energy

Metabolism always seems to be the guilty party when it comes to weight loss or weight gain. Our metabolism is a high tech machine that runs the systems required to keep us alive. Like every machine, the metabolic system needs fuel and that fuel is hydration. When hydration is depleted, less energy (calories) are burned. A well hydrated metabolism hums along burning those calories and helps us lose weight.

Beauty From Within

Glowing skin, sparkling eyes and shiny hair never look old

Plump, wrinkle-free skin, shiny hair and bright eyes are sure signs of youth. Keep your glow on by maintaining your hydration levels. Lackluster, lined skin, dull dark-ringed eyes, and hair that refuses to grow all point to dehydration. Drink lots of water and eat nutrient-rich foods so you can continue to look great for many years to come.

Muscle Recovery

Recover, Rebuild, Refresh

Proper hydration gives you the energy to get moving and concentrate on your workout. Muscle soreness due to the release of lactic acid during an intense or new workout can increase in intensity if your body is dehydrated. Dehydration can also inhibit the restoration of muscle repair. Drink plenty of water before, during and after a workout.

Digestive Wellness

A tall drink for your body.

Unless it is making waves, we don’t tend to pay too much attention to our digestive system. We expect it to just work, and it does, as long as we have proper hydration. A parched digestive system can lead to acid reflux, ulcers, and constipation, which can all be disruptive to our lifestyle. Proper hydration keeps things running smoothly.

Boost Your Immune System

Kick Toxins to the Curb

Our body’s immune system is composed of five parts: Tonsils and thymus. Lymph nodes and vessels. Bone marrow, spleen, and white blood cells. The immune system fights disease and infection. A well-hydrated immune system flushes toxin from the body, strengthening its ability to fight off infection and disease.

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